Tips To Make Your House Listing More Attractive

If you are looking to sell your house quickly, you will want to do whatever you can to make your listing as appealing as possible right out of the gate. Listings tend to get some extra attention when they first go up and the listing is "new," so it's important that you stage your house correctly in the photos in order to entice as many people as possible to come and look at your home. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you want to make your house listing look more attractive to a potential buyer.

Clean Up Your Closest and Pantry

It's a good idea to show off closet, pantry, and cabinet space within your listing. But don't just open the closet door and snap a quick picture. Take the time to show it off properly. The best way to do this might be to temporarily remove some items from the closet or pantry. You want to show things being stored, but you also want the potential buyer to be able to see how far back the closet or pantry actually goes.

Illumination Is Important

You likely don't keep every light in the house turned on throughout the day, but you should definitely do this when taking photos for your house listing. Better illumination can cast a better light on everything. A room with a dark shadow just won't look as good, and you don't want to make a buyer squint while trying to check out your house. Talk to your real estate agent about possibly repositioning some of your lighting just for the photo shoot.

Pick Up Your Child's Toys and Don't Forget Fido's Too

You want the house to look lived in, but you don't want it to look sloppy. All of your kid's toys should be out of sight during the photo shoot, and don't forget to pick up your dog or cat's things as well. The buyer wants to be able to envision their own stuff inside your house when glancing at a listing, and having things scattered everywhere is not going to be helpful.

Find the Right Agent

For best results when trying to move a house quickly, you need to find a real estate agent with experience. He or she will likely have some best practices to help you stage your listing properly, and you can also be prepared to put your best face forward when a buyer actually comes to the house to take a longer look. Contact a local real estate agent today for more information on home listings.
